Public or private schools can participate, which have registered before Friday, February 28TH , 2025. The level that can participate is 6th grade of Primary Education. Anglophones cannot participate.
Each participating school will select a team of 4 students who will have to compete in English with other educational schools.
The first phase will consist of a "Turning Point" where the captain of each team will have a remote control to answer the questions they will have previously consulted with their group. The time allowed to answer will be 30 seconds. The Quiz will consist of blocks of questions about the natural and social environments, sports, mathematics, and cinema. Each block will contain 10 questions and each block will have a value of 25%.
The second phase will consist of an Escape Room. Students will have a touch tablet and mastery of the English language will be important to overcome the big challenges proposed.
Each phase will last a maximum of one hour and the sum of the points achieved will produce the winning team.
Each participating team can support 12 people between students, teachers and parents.
The organization reserves the right to modify the final format after the registration period has closed.

The contest will take place on Friday, March 14th., 2025, at 09:45 a.m. in Rovira i Virgili University, Terres de l'Ebre Campus.
The competition will be open to the public. Recording debates are allowed.
The jury will be made up of native English speaking teachers, representative of TIEFA, and others.
The final verdict will be made public once the jury has deliberated at the end of the last competition, and the prizes will be awarded Sunday March 16th in a place to be confirmed